Extensions Manager

Extensions Manager provides an interface to extend your training loop, by integrating it into your manual training loop or Ignite.


See the API Reference for the list of built-in extensions.

How to use

Create an ExtensionsManager object and then wrap the iteration of your training loop inside the manager.run_iteration() context manager.

An example follows:

import pytorch_pfn_extras as ppe
from pytorch_pfn_extras.training import extensions

import time
import math

max_epoch = 10
iters_per_epoch = 938

# manager.extend(...) also works
my_extensions = [extensions.LogReport(),
                 extensions.PrintReport(['epoch', 'iteration', 'sin', 'cos'])]

models = {}
optimizers = []
manager = ppe.training.ExtensionsManager(
    models, optimizers, max_epoch,

for epoch in range(max_epoch):
    for i in range(iters_per_epoch):
        with manager.run_iteration():
                'sin': math.sin(i * 2 * math.pi / iters_per_epoch),
                'cos': math.cos(i * 2 * math.pi / iters_per_epoch),

In the examples folder there is a mnist using all the avaiable extensions.

Usage with Ignite

Ignite is supported by using the IgniteExtensionsManager with the trainer as the first argument.

The user needs to define an ignite event to report the appropiated metrics for the extensions to use them.

manager = ppe.training.IgniteExtensionsManager(
    trainer, models, optimizers, epochs,

def report_loss(engine):

Using Evaluators

Regular PyTorch

In order to report the results of the evaluation so they can be accessed by other extensions, an Evaluation extension needs to be created with the argument eval_func set to a function that gets the current data and target batches as parameters and reports the needed metrics. Example

The test function looks has the following signature

def test(args, model, device, data, target):

and is invoked once per batch in the validation dataloader. It is important to report the current validation loss or accuracy in order to the log report to see it.

def test(args, model, device, data, target):
    # Final result will be average of averages of the same size
    test_loss += F.nll_loss(output, target, reduction='mean').item()
    ppe.reporting.report({'val/loss': test_loss})
    pred = output.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
    correct += pred.eq(target.view_as(pred)).sum().item()
    ppe.reporting.report({'val/acc': correct/len(data)})


Just use the IgniteEvaluator extension with the ignite created evaluator as the first parameter and you are ready to go. Example The metrics defined when creating the evaluator with create_supervised_evaluator will be automatically reported

 create_supervised_evaluator(model, metrics={'acc': Accuracy(), 'loss': Loss(F.nll_loss)}, device)


It is possible to take snapshots by using the snapshot training extension just as in chainer.

Whenever the extension is triggered, it saves the status of the optimizer, model and extensions to the output folder in the same way as chainer. To load the snapshot and continue the training call torch.load and use the ExtensionsManager.load_state_dictexample to resume the training. The snapshots can be used outside the pytorch-pfn-extras module just by accessing the models, or optimizers fields of the loaded state.

Extensions execution order

The supported extensions honours the chainer priorities for execution. However, when using Ignite. Chainer extensions are executed after any user-defined ignite events. The idea is to use ignite events to report the metrics of the model, and after this, Chainer extensions will be executed in the chainer defined order.

If you want to execute an event-handler in between chainer extensions, create a Chainer-like extension and access the ignite engine on the .engine attribute of the manager object passed as a parameter when your extension is called.

Creating Extensions

It is possible to create an extension just by passing a function which receives the manager object as an argument to the manager extend call

def my_extension(manager):
    print('Epoch-Iteration: {}-{}'.format(manager.epoch, manager.iteration)

manager.extend(my_extension, trigger=(1, 'iteration')

It is also possible to create extensions using the ppe.training.extension.make_extension decorator to add a specific trigger, default_name, priority. In addition, initializer, finalizer and on_error functions can be specified as well.

@ppe.training.extension.make_extension(finalizer=lambda: print('done'))
def my_extension(manager):
    print('Epoch-Iteration: {}-{}'.format(manager.epoch, manager.iteration)

Finally, it is possible to create an extension by subclassing the ppe.training.extensions.Extension class as shown below.

import pytorch_pfn_extras as ppe

class MyExtension(ppe.training.extension.Extension)
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

    def initialize(self, manager):
        Automatically called before training. Optional.

    def __call__(self, manager):
        Called when the associated trigger is fired.
        print('Epoch-Iteration: {}-{}'.format(manager.epoch, manager.iteration)

    def state_dict(self):
        Used to serialize the state. Optional.
        return {'args': self.args}

    def load_state_dict(self, state):
        Used to deserialize the state. Optional.
        self.args = state['args']